The UK’s oldest brick-built lighthouse

Paranormal events

As with many very old buildings there are stories of ghosts and hauntings at the lighthouse. A few of them have been put together in a booklet produced by the Friends group which is available at the lighthouse.

In recent years, there have been many enquiries from groups around the country who wish to spend the night in the lighthouse and see what supernatural or paranormal activity they might detect. The lighthouse is available to hire for such investigative events.

One of the rooms in the lighthouse where paranormal activity has been detected.

The group organising the event must show they have a good track record, are fully insured, have carried out a risk assessment, prepared a method statement and will limit the number of guests.

The event organiser will use a variety of equipment to gather evidence of any movements or noises during the night. A camera may be focussed on a “trigger object” such as a crucifix or religious item continuously recording in an attempt to capture any movement that occurs.

Mobile night cameras will be carried from room to room as the group investigates.

Devices to detect electromagnetic fields which are allegedly given off by spirits may be used. These may also be used as communication tools.

The use of other pieces of equipment such as cat hunting balls, mirrors, crystal balls, singing bowls, Ouija boards, handbells and more can be included in the evening’s activities if it is felt appropriate by the organisers.

At all times the safety of those in the lighthouse is paramount.

If you are interested in finding out more please contact us.

See the following video for an example of a paranormal evening at the lighthouse: